Little Miss Zuri has been visiting me since she was 3 months old.. She always comes with a smile on her face and ready for her little photo shoot. Mommy brings the cutest outfits~ she has always been so much fun photographing, I just love having her. Copyright Photography by: A.J. Crumley - All Rights Reserved
What an amazing group of girls, It was so much fun spending an evening at the beach with them... These three little girls are so lucky to have a mom with such strength and courage... The amount of love she carries in her heart for them and wanting only the best makes her such a wonderful role model. I was so happy to have been asked to capture a moment in their lives... I can only hope they had as much fun. Copyright Photography by: A.J. Crumley ~ All Rights Reserved
We had the most perfect evening on the beach, and this is one of my favorite little families that visit me... I was so happy we were able to spend some time together capturing a moment in their lives..... Copyright Photography by: A.J. Crumley ~ All Rights Reserved
Kaelyn had so much fun mushing and squishing through her cake... We had about as much fun watching her play with her birthday cake :) What a cutie to have in my studio to play with for an evening~ Happy Birthday Kaelyn! thanks for sharing your cake with me ~~~~~ Copyright Photography by: A.J. Crumley - All Rights
Look who is TWO ~~~ Owen was such a cutie celebrating his two year birthday with a little photo session. He was full of smiles and happiness I couldn't have asked for a better little guy to come visit me :)
Cutest couple :) Sarah graduated with my son sooooooo these kids are kind of special to me.. I love seeing them growing into such great adults.. We had a lot of fun hanging out in St. Joe on this spring evening... What a fun couple to capture some great images with.. Full of life and little crazy~~ Thanks Guys for making it so much fun.................. Copyright Photography by: A.J. Crumley ~ All Rights Reserved
Baby Carson came into this world with all his family waiting so very eagerly to meet him, hold him and just love him... You can't help but love him up he is so very precious.... Once we were able to get him off to sleep he was out for the count and so much fun to work with. We had a lot of awwweees with each pose.. Thank you Carson for coming to visit!
Nolan is kind of special ~ he was my first official newborn after I jumped in with both feet to this being a photographer endeavor. Oh and he is my Great Nephew ~~~~~ What a year it has been watching him change and grow makes me smile that I could be a part of it :) For those of you who have been with me from the being have also watched this little guy grow into a One year old~ So many people have followed him over the past year and I have been told by some of you who have never even met him they can't believe he is one already :) It appears that we have everything under control~ I felt we did~ UNTIL the clean up time that is when we lost control and anything that could wrong did... Needless to say by the end we had frosting all over the bathroom Nolan was not happy with us water everywhere and yes we even got peed on~~ Between my niece and myself we had a Lucy & Ethel moment we won't forget... Thank Goodness Nolan can't talk and tell his Daddy on us........ soooooooooooo much fun thanks Nolan for being my little model this year and allowing me to capture your first year of life ~ When you work with little ones~ You have only a very small amount of time to make best friends !!! You have to pull out all the tricks sometime, and then other times you luck out and you get the smilest happiest little person to spend some time with.. Aiden was that little guy he came in grinning and giggly and just so happy to be in this world.... He reminds me why I absolutely love love working with babies~ Thank you to his mom as well for being our bubble machine that morning :) you both did a great job!
"Baby whisper, toddler wrangler, coffee drinking, mess making, dreamer of dreams"~
November 2024